Have Gnu, Will Travel. Google Desktop For Mac
I am a user of Photos for OSX, after upgrading from iPhoto. I am trying to use Google's photo service to backup my library from my Mac Mini. I have installed the Google Desktop Uploader application from the photos.google.com site. The application does not seem to allow me to select my Photos library in the preferences as it is grayed out. If I select the 'Pictures' parent folder, the application does not find my photos and they are not uploaded. My Photos library resides on the internal drive in my mini, and is about 131GB in size.

Have Gun Will Travel. Google Desktop For Mac
I wasn't sure if this was possible, but I'm please to report that it is, and I'm going to use it myself. The trick is to understand that Photos Library.photoslibrary is a Package File that Google Photos Backup doesn't know how to see inside. However, Finder does. So, right click on Photos Library.photoslibrary (normally inside your Pictures folder) and select Show Package Contents.
All of your pictures are inside of Masters, organized by date added (however note that any edits you made in Apple Photos are not included; these are the original images). Now, run Google Photos Backup and click Add to select the folder.
Drag the Masters folder into the File Dialog: Now click Choose, and you've succeeded in getting the Google Photos Backup to look inside the Apple Photo package. You may want to unclick the other watched folders, since Apple Photo should already be importing all images. I just figured this out, so I'll update if I find any downsides. Since Google Photos is completely free for the High Quality images (as opposed to Original resolution), it will be interesting to compare the two services. There is a configuration file for Google Photos Backup that will allow you to manually enter the value. Look inside your Application Support directory and add the full path to your Photos app Masters directory:.
Quit the Google Photos Backup application (so your changes aren't overwritten by auto-save). Open a new Finder window. Go to your user Home directory (Shift-Command-H). Open Library - Application Support - Google - Google Photos Backup - db. You should see a directory named for the email address associated to your Google account. Open the file named watchedfolders.txt.
Add the path to your Masters directory to a new line in that text file. /Pictures/Photos Library.photoslibrary/Masters.
Save and close the file watchedfolders.txt However, I have found that no matter the solution (whether this or the former), only newly-added photos are detected and uploaded to Google Photos. All photos that are pre-existing in the Photos app library seem to be ignored. I'm curious if there is some way to 'touch' each file in the Masters directory so that Google Photos Backup will suddenly see them.
Videos for: mac dre livin it. Google has released a beta of for the Mac. Google's provides some details about the release from Mike Pinkerton. Google Desktop is a software download that brings Google's search engine to your Mac. You have lots of information on your computer, and you see a lot more on the web.
Have Gnu Will Travel. Google Desktop For Mac Download
With Google Desktop, you can quickly and easily find all this stuff right when you need it, including your files, emails, and web pages you've seen. Pinkerton explains that they took time with the project to deeply integrate it into Mac OS X and to maintain a high standard of usability. Their other goals were to make the desktop search fast and easy to use. A first look at the software and describes it as 'somewhat slim' compared to the Windows version. However, they expect continuous updates: The Google team says that it plans to eventually bring all Google Desktop features to the Mac, which they estimate to happen sometime within the next six months. 'Now that we have a strong Mac team on Google Desktops, we have the scale to do updates on a much more regular basis,' said Pichai. 'From now on, there will not be such large gaps between revisions.'
Ars describes Google Desktop as 'significantly faster' than Apple's own Spotlight and also can integrate GMail and Google Search history content in your searches.