Midnight Mansion Forums
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Actionsoft's latest game, Midnight Mansion 2: The Haunted Hills, includes 28 mansions. The 8 Built-in mansions have 3 difficulties along with 4 extra custom mansions. We don't have that many other custom MM2 mansions yet. Design your own custom mansion!
You can find out more about the game. The original Midnight Mansion game contains over 150 mansions. The 8 included mansions which have 3 difficulty levels each, and about 115 approved custom mansions which you can download and also several freely uploaded mansions. To know the difference between these three types of mansions, click. Are you a creative person and thinking of designing a mansion yourself?
Or want to know about how to upload it? Click and we'll show you! You'll find guidelines for betatesters.
Story This old mansion brings back some awful memories. Nearly one thousand people walked through its doors over the past four Halloween nights, and less than half lived to tell of its horrors. We're entering once again to pay tribute to the deceased – those who fell victim to Naru's Nook of Nightmares in the pantry, Sawmander's shenanigans in the walk-in freezer, and perverse torture in Ardy's Dungeon. Though the scent of blood and rotting flesh still remains, this mansion is safe now. A team of MyAnimeList's finest moderators should have rid it of all evil many months ago. Wait, what's that sound?
I think it's coming from Tensho's piano room. Stay alert, friends. Door slowly opens. We tilt our heads and peak inside. Nothing seems to be there.
OH MY GOD, IT'S EATING MY LEG!!! ♪♪.if you dare. Enter the Mansion You must first join the MALoween Mansion club (linked above) to play. Solve Puzzles/Complete Missions The 2018 Mansion has the possibility to collect 16 pieces of unique (not bonus) candy. 11 of these are from mansion (moderator) residents, each with their own main room (aka club thread) and own unique challenge. If you do their bidding satisfactorily, you will receive one piece of their favourite candy.
🍭 However, rooms will appear and disappear from the club without warning. All resident rooms will be open for a minimum of 48 hours, so be sure to take a look around the mansion at least once a day. Collect Bonus Candy For our challenge-seeking daredevils, it doesn't end there.
Some resident rooms and the cursed playground will contain bonus candy, giving users a chance to compete for bonus candy to add to their stash. These bonus candy pieces cannot be used as main candy. We suggest you relax in one of our discussion rooms and check the club forum regularly if you'd like more candy. Escape Mission (Easy Mode) You must collect at least 8 unique candy pieces ( not bonus candy) to safely escape the mansion with your candy stash. Candy Hoarder (Hard Mode) Compete with your fellow Mansion dwellers to collect the most candy.
Main room candy will have more weight than bonus candy. At the end of the event, we'll list everyone who escaped the Mansion— and those still trapped inside! Absolutely terrible luck to all those who join. Just kidding, good luck everyone!
Lmao you just want all the candy to yourself Hot set btw:3 Exactly that. I need candy, I love candy, I CRAVE CANDY. And thanks for the compliment ( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉) I was watching that Bunny Girl Rascial Senpai Anime and I couldn't resist. Be sure to swing by my room later:D Got lots of candy! I gotta get into that show lol Bunny girls are hawt Ecksdee. Sure, tell me where you live.
And that van seems totally legit. And you should honestly watch it, it doesn't have high ratings for nothing.
A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who made it out for MALoween✟Mansion this year. With no theme change, our participant count was cut into one quarter. That said, we're very grateful for all the returning faces - and perhaps even a few new ones.
Please don't forget to thank our event staff! Is the true shadow king of the event, making sure everything is organized and complete. Without his help, things would probably be 10x more disorganized:'D A big thanks to all of 2018's hosts who took the time to create and run their own rooms:,and. Without all of their creativity and hard work, this event would not have happened.
Please also thank our neighbourhood Pancake Ghost for lurking around the channels, giving encouragement; and to for organising the Mafia event once again! Candy counts are given as (resident ☩ bonus) and a final total. Remember that resident (main room) candy was worth more than bonus. Candy Hoarders Here is everyone who successfully nabbed 12+ main room candy pieces:. Jobby collected 17 ☩ 13 (=30) candy pieces!. Tafixados collected 17 ☩ 12 (=29) candy pieces!.
Mellowmancer collected 17 ☩ 11 (=28) candy pieces!. pockyrin collected 15 ☩ 12 (=27) candy pieces!. Rarity collected 15 ☩ 12 (=27) candy pieces!.
JustSomeGuy collected 15 ☩ 10 (=25) candy pieces!. BahamutZero collected 14 ☩ 12 (=26) candy pieces!. MrVestacus collected 14 ☩ 10 (=24) candy pieces!.
FavCharacterDied collected 13 ☩ 10 (=23) candy pieces!. Bellcz collected 13 ☩ 9 (=22) candy pieces!.
RedthSA collected 13 ☩ 9 (=22) candy pieces!. Angelblade20 collected 12 ☩ 9 (=21) candy pieces!. Bakkame collected 12 ☩ 9 (=21) candy pieces!. OkoDrakona collected 12 ☩ 8 (=20) candy pieces! Escapees Here is everyone who successfully nabbed 8+ main room candy pieces. myhome1207 collected 11 ☩ 8 (=19) candy pieces!.
OklahomanSailor collected 11 ☩ 8 (=19) candy pieces!. Sorarin collected 11 ☩ 7 (=18) candy pieces!. dizzyS collected 11 ☩ 6 (=17) candy pieces!. Erenneko collected 11 ☩ 6 (=17) candy pieces!. Gilraen collected 11 ☩ 6 (=17) candy pieces!. DIOOOOOO collected 11 ☩ 5 (=16) candy pieces!. MihaiBalan collected 11 ☩ 2 (=13) candy pieces!.
SuitonSekai collected 10 ☩ 7 (=17) candy pieces!. AstralPrototype collected 10 ☩ 6 (=16) candy pieces!. Daegon17 collected 10 ☩ 6 (=16) candy pieces!.
Transience collected 10 ☩ 6 (=16) candy pieces!. CodeBlazeFate collected 10 ☩ 3 (=13) candy pieces!. extremeplant collected 10 ☩ 3 (=13) candy pieces!. moissi collected 10 ☩ 2 (=12) candy pieces!. applejustice collected 9 ☩ 7 (=16) candy pieces!.
coffeedrops collected 9 ☩ 5 (=14) candy pieces!. Resonance collected 9 ☩ 5 (=14) candy pieces!. toph-bei-fong collected 9 ☩ 5 (=14) candy pieces!.

Daisuki collected 9 ☩ 4 (=13) candy pieces!. Korrailli collected 9 ☩ 4 (=13) candy pieces!. Roan collected 9 ☩ 4 (=13) candy pieces!.
Shade1410 collected 9 ☩ 4 (=13) candy pieces!. SomberZomp collected 9 ☩ 4 (=13) candy pieces!. ayumika4 collected 9 ☩ 3 (=12) candy pieces!. virtualcore collected 9 ☩ 3 (=12) candy pieces!.
Cinna collected 9 ☩ 2 (=11) candy pieces!. Marsh collected 9 ☩ 2 (=11) candy pieces!. ScarredSceptile collected 8 ☩ 7 (=15) candy pieces!. FateXBlood collected 8 ☩ 6 (=14) candy pieces!. changelog collected 8 ☩ 4 (=12) candy pieces!. I-am-Wakahisa collected 8 ☩ 4 (=12) candy pieces!. DeathShine collected 8 ☩ 2 (=10) candy pieces!.
lifeiscrazy collected 8 ☩ 2 (=10) candy pieces!. Lumeister collected 8 ☩ 2 (=10) candy pieces!. yurkin collected 8 ☩ 2 (=10) candy pieces!. KappaSquare collected 8 ☩ 1 (=9) candy pieces!. Ranacchi collected 8 ☩ 1 (=9) candy pieces!. TuryuriOwO collected 8 ☩ 1 (=9) candy pieces!
Annual Statistics Total players: 105 (⇩ 335) Club members: 2,612 (⇧ 113) Escapees: 52 (⇧ 28%) collected 8+ main room candies True Candy Hoarders: 3 (⇩ 6) collected all main room candies We hope to see you all again next year! I will be posting Secret Santa Sign-Ups just after American Thanksgiving - please watch for it and spread the word! Highly doubt we'll get any kind of theme change or button on the header.
Midnight Mansion Forums

Edit: Fixed a miscount. Doesn't want to admit it, but you should thank her too for her room! She worked really hard to make it ready on time and provide help on every step of the way!:) Thanks everyone for your help this year too:D We might not have had as many people as last year, BUT!
Midnight Mansion Forums Full
We had more escapees compared to how many people joined AND just 6 less people that hoarded every candy, which means last year many people just joined for the heck of it, played a room or 2 and let it be! The true players were here all along:D Woo:D.