Wohasoft Released Premiere Pro Video Converter Available For Mac
WHAT’S NEW Version 12.1.2: This release of Premiere Pro offers improved performance with new hardware-accelerated encoding and decoding, expanded and improved format support, and bug fixes:. Hardware acceleration updates. Performance updates. New format support. 8K H.264 export for VR support.
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Wohasoft Released Premiere Pro Video Converter Available For Mac Free
Codec and preset changes Hardware acceleration updates:. Hardware-accelerated H.264 and HEVC decoding is now supported on MacBook Pro and iMac Pro machines with Mac OS 10.13. Hardware decode acceleration is automatically selected as the default option (Preferences Media Enable hardware accelerated decoding) in PremierePro on Mac if the hardware supports it. Performance updates:. Performance improvements for decoding RED Camera Formats Performance improvements for decoding Sony RAW/X-OCN Camera Formats:. Supported formats: F5/F55/F65/Venice RAW/X-OCN. Supported Platforms: Windows and Mac New format support:.

Exporting 8K H.264 format. Exporting XAVC QFHD Long GOP 4:2:2 formats. Panasonic Camera Metadata. HTC Vive Pro 8k h.264 export for VR support:. You can now export VR sequences at resolutions up to 8k x 8k to H.264. This allows up to 16k x 9k output that is useful for playback in Virtual Reality and future generations of TVs.

In the Export Settings dialog, you can choose Profile Levels 6, 6.1, 6.2, or Unrestricted.